This website has been designed to be as accessible as possible to people with disabilities. It is compatible with adaptive technologies including screen readers and text only web browsers.
To navigate through this website please use the navigation at the left of the page. You can use the tab key to navigate through the menu links.
This website has been built to comply with standards for most modern browsers. If the information does not display correctly, we suggest you update to the most current version of your preferred browser.
ExamBuilder pages work to a screen resolution of 1280px by 960px as minimum size and to view the export test button. You will still be able to view and use it on smaller resolution using a browser from the supported list, but the export button will not be visible.
We recommend the standard HD resolution of 1920px by 1080px for best experience .
To enlarge your browser to fit the whole size of your screen:
If you have any difficulty using the internet or have any accessibility issues, most modern browser settings can now be changed. Please check your preferred browser's help page for specific instructions on how to change your settings.
For further information, please visit the BBC's Accessibility pages - Making web my way – Making the web easier.